It's his typographic work that stands out the most for me. The composition and colour as well as aesthetic appeal makes Parra a unique designer. His approach is similar to Kate Maross but he has a knack for getting image and type working together beautifully. This has now changed my project for me, I want to focus more on this guy because I love his work, and I think my audience would appreciate this type of artwork.
If you would like to view more of Parra's work go to either RockwellClothing.com or BigActive

Here is a response I created for the speaking from experience brief. I am quite happy with this at the moment but I would tweak it a little if I were to use it for a final.
I haven't really decided on what messages or quotes I want on the postcards yet but this is something close to what I want.
I really like your double pg spreads - looks like they fell straight out of a real publication - and definitely sum up craig well - well in my opinion!