Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive

I have decided to give my 'How to' brief resolutions a hand drawn feel to them, and I have taken inspiration for that from the new carphone warehouse brand identity. It seems to tick those boxes in a world which seems to require 'organic' and traditional graphics.

This stands of for me and really love the t.v advert created by CHI&Partners, which is both cleverly animated and simply illustrated.

This is a quote taken from the CPW website.
We’ve represented this in our new look with a hand drawn version of The Carphone Warehouse logo and a specially created hand drawn font.

This new look and feel can be seen across all our Communications, both external and internal and features in our launch adverts, A 60 second history and There was a time.
The new logo pictured here is a breath of fresh air compared to the usual heartless logos created for the phones4u and other mobile phone brands. CPW already had established a market status but this hand drawn identity has that personal touch which the audience want.
The website continues with the theme running alongside their usual advertisements.

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