I have finally got some images of last weeks prints I did. They were hard to print as I had quite a thick stencil, so I had to pre-soak the cartridge paper I printed on. They came out ok though. I enjoyed the mono printing to an extent but by the end, wondered what I had actually achieved. There wasn't any real direction to the lesson.
I suppose I was supposed to take initiative and work to the brief. Nevertheless I had fun with colour combination's and trying different techniques, never knowing quite what I would end up with after I did the print.
These are some of the prints I did. Often the stencils looked better than the finished result.

Now, onto today. Screen printing was, again, something that I hadn't ever tried so I was pleased to get the chance. The prints came out better than I expected and the technique was pretty easy to get your head around, although setting up a print was so complicated and time consuming. Looking back at the brief, if I was to do 20 prints it could take forever. However, the results were pretty good. I think I would prefer to use a different image sample next time though.

I suppose I was supposed to take initiative and work to the brief. Nevertheless I had fun with colour combination's and trying different techniques, never knowing quite what I would end up with after I did the print.
These are some of the prints I did. Often the stencils looked better than the finished result.

Now, onto today. Screen printing was, again, something that I hadn't ever tried so I was pleased to get the chance. The prints came out better than I expected and the technique was pretty easy to get your head around, although setting up a print was so complicated and time consuming. Looking back at the brief, if I was to do 20 prints it could take forever. However, the results were pretty good. I think I would prefer to use a different image sample next time though.

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